

A function is total iff it is defined for any argument in its domain. In MiniZinc, the domain of a function is determined by the type-insts of its arguments, but not by any constraints on its arguments.

A function is partial iff it is undefined for certain arguments in its domain. In MiniZinc, a function is partial if its return type is not a subtype of var opt bool, and at least one of these conditions holds:

  • If at least one of its arguments has a constrained type. E.g., function int: foo(1..3: x) = x + 1; is partial, because its argument x is constrained.
  • If its body is a partially defined expression
  • If it is a built-in function that is known to be partial (e.g. integer division, modulo etc.)

A function that is partial according to the rules above can be annotated as ::promise_total if it can be guaranteed that it will return a value for any input in its domain.

An expression is partially defined if its type is not a subtype of var opt bool and it does not evaluate to a value for all possible evaluations of its free variables. At least one of the following conditions needs to hold for an expression to be partially defined:

  • It is a call to a partial function or built-in operator
  • It is a let expression with a type that is not a subtype of var opt bool, and one of the cases in the let is a constraint, or one of the variables in the let has a constrained type-inst
  • One of its immediate subexpressions is partially defined

Array types

Two options:

  1. An undefined element in an array makes the entire array undefined (MiniZinc 2 semantics)
  2. An undefined element in an array only causes undefinedness if the element is accessed (Stuckey/Frisch paper)

Issues with option 2: Passing an array to a function now means that all arrays have to be arrays of tuples (even if all elements are statically known to be defined); or, we have to generate different versions (tuple and non-tuple) for each function, for all array argument types.


The basic idea of the transformation is to turn any partially defined expression into a pair of expressions (b,e) where b is a Boolean that is true iff the expression is defined, and e is the value of the expression if it is defined, and otherwise.

  1. The return type of a partial function returning type T is changed to tuple(bool, T).
  2. Any variable declaration of type T whose right hand side is a partially defined expression is changed into a variable declaration of type tuple(bool, T). NOTE: What about array types? Do they capture definedness for each element, or for the array?
  3. Set literals (containing partially defined expressions) The type is transformed from set of T into tuple(bool, set of T) as follows. { e1, e2, pde1, ..., pdek, ... } into let { any: (b1,tmp1) = pde1; any: (bk,tmpk) = pdek; } in (forall([b1,...,bk]), {e1, e2, tmp1, ..., tmpk ...})
  4. Array literals (containing partially defined expressions) Change type array[...] of T into array[...] of tuple(bool, T) and change [ e1, ..., pde1, ... pdek, ... en] into [ (true, e1), ..., pde1, ... pdek, ... (true,en) ] Change type array[...] of T into tuple(bool, array [...] of T and change [ e1, ..., (b1, pde1), ... (bk, pdek), ... en] into (b1 /\ ... /\ bk, [e1, pde1, ... pdek, ... en])
  5. Array comprehensions
    • Partially defined generators are not permitted (static type error).
    • Partially defined generated expressions are fine. The resulting type changes from array[...] of T into tuple(bool, array[...] of T) (like array literals). May need to create array [...] of tuple(bool, T) first, then extract the definedness from that.****
    • Partially defined where clauses are fine (they are their own Boolean context)
    • These examples show why it would be a bad idea to allow partial generators. - par comprehensions [ pde | i in 0..10, j in x[i] ] [ pde | i in 0..10, (b,e)=x[i] where b, j in e ] - var generator comprehensions: var 0..10: x [ pde | i in 0..10, j in i div x..100] [ let { any: (b,t) = i div x..100; any: (eb, et) = pde } in if eb /\ b /\ j in t..100 then (true,et) else (b,<>) endif) | i in 0..10, j in ub(i div x..100) ]
  6. Set comprehensions These are transformed into array comprehensions and array2set in a previous compiler phase.
  7. Array access
    var array access turns into element() which has the right semantics. function tuple(bool, any $T): element(array [int, ...] of any $T: x, int: i, ...) where the boolean is
  8. if then else endif
    Can't use a normal function since the arguments would escape into the boolean context outside, so instead define the function which returns the pair:
    function tuple(var bool, var $T): if_then_else(array [int] of var bool: c, array [int] of tuple(var bool, var $T): r)
  9. Tuple field access
    Same as for arrays, so undefined inside a tuple makes the whole tuple undefined
  10. Calls Transformed to return a tuple if not known to be total
  11. let { ... } in If not in ::promise_total/root context and non-boolean then the conjunction of the constraints and the variable definedness becomes the let's definedness
    let {
        var int: x = e1;
        constraint c;
    } in e2
    let {
        tuple(var bool, var int): x' = (de1, e1');
        var bool: c' = c;
    } in (de1 /\ c' /\ de2, e2')
  12. Annotations Annotations are compiled in the root context.
  13. Output The expression in an output statement must be total. It is a static type error if it isn't. Users can use default to make all expressions total.