The Typing Rules of MicroZinc

The following syntax describes the types available in MicroZinc. The type syntax are used directly in let-expressions and parameter declarations.

\[ \begin{array}{lcl} \mathit{typeinst} &::=& \mathsf{pred} \\&|& \mathsf{array}~\mathsf{[}\mathit{int}\mathsf{..}\mathit{int} [ \mathsf{,}~ \mathit{int}\mathsf{..}\mathit{int}]*\mathsf{]}~\mathsf{of}~\mathit{baseType} \\&|& \mathit{baseType} \\ \mathit{baseType} &::=& \mathsf{tuple}~\mathsf{(}\mathit{typeinst} [ \mathsf{,}~ \mathit{typeinst}]*\mathsf{)} \\&|& \mathit{domType} \\&|& \mathit{primType} \\ \mathit{domType} &::=& \mathsf{var}~\mathit{val}\\&|& \mathsf{var}~\mathsf{set}~\mathsf{of}~\mathit{val}\\ \mathit{primType} &::=& \mathsf{par}~\mathsf{bool}~|~\mathsf{var}~\mathsf{bool}\\&|& \mathsf{par}~\mathsf{int}~|~\mathsf{var}~\mathsf{int}\\&|& \mathsf{par}~\mathsf{float}~|~\mathsf{var}~\mathsf{float}\\&|& \mathsf{par}~\mathsf{set}~\mathsf{of}~\mathsf{int}~|~\mathsf{var}~\mathsf{set}~\mathsf{of}~\mathsf{int}\\&|& \mathsf{par}~\mathsf{set}~\mathsf{of}~\mathsf{float}~|~\mathsf{string} \end{array} \]

Importantly, MicroZinc includes two types of sub-typing. When type \( T_1 \) is a sub-type of type \( T_2 \) then \( T_1 \) can be used anywhere where the type \( T_2 \) is required.

  • In MicroZinc, \( \mathsf{par}~T \) is a sub-type of \( \mathsf{var}~T \).
  • MicroZinc also has numeric subtyping (i.e., \( \mathsf{par~bool} \) is a subtype of \( \mathsf{par~int} \), which is a sub-type of \( \mathsf{par~float} \), and similarly \( \mathsf{var~bool} \) is a sub-type of \( \mathsf{var~int} \), which is a sub-type of \( \mathsf{var~float} \))

The \( \mathsf{pred} \) type is a special value given to expressions that enforce constraints, but do not return a value. This It should be noted that the

The following rules describe the conditions under which a MicroZinc program is correctly typed. In these rules the variable \( \Gamma \) will denote the typing context. This context contains known types for identifiers.

Functions and calls

At the top level of the MicroZinc program we find different functions. The program is well-typed if the type of the body of each function matches the declared type of the function given the declared types for the arguments. The types of all functions are available when typing the body expression of a function, allowing for (mutual) recursive functions.

\[ \begin{prooftree} \AxiomC{$ \Gamma \vdash{} T : T^r$} \AxiomC{$ \Gamma, f^{id} : (T'_1 \equiv )\langle T^p_1, \dots, T^p_n \rangle \rightarrow T^{r}\vdash{} funcs : \langle T'_2, \dots, T'_m \rangle $} \RightLabel{(T-Builtin)} \BinaryInfC{$ \vdash{} \mathsf{function}~T~\mathsf{:}~f^{id}~\mathsf{(} T^p_1 : x_1\mathsf{,}\dots\mathsf{,}T^p_n : x_n\mathsf{)}~\mathsf{;} funcs : \langle T'_1, \dots, T'_m \rangle $} \end{prooftree} \]
\[ \begin{prooftree} \AxiomC{$ \Gamma \vdash{} T : T^r$} \AxiomC{$ \Gamma, f^{id}_1 : (T'_1 \equiv) \langle T^p_1, \dots, T^p_n \rangle \rightarrow T^r \vdash{} f_2 \mathsf{;} \dots \mathsf{;} f_m : \langle T'_2, \dots, T'_m \rangle $} \noLine{} \BinaryInfC{$\Gamma, f^{id}_1 : T'_1, \dots, f^{id}_m : T'_m, x_1 : T^p_1, \dots, x_n : T^p_n \vdash{} E : T^r$} \RightLabel{(T-Func)} \UnaryInfC{$ \Gamma \vdash{} \mathsf{function}~T~\mathsf{:}~f^{id}_1~\mathsf{(}~x_1: T^p_1, \dots, x_n: T^p_n \mathsf{)}~\mathsf{=}~E~\mathsf{;} f_2 \mathsf{;} \dots \mathsf{;} f_m : \langle T'_1, \dots, T'_m \rangle $} \end{prooftree} \]
\[ \begin{prooftree} \AxiomC{$ \Gamma, f^{id} : (T'_1 \equiv )\langle T^p_1, \dots, T^p_n \rangle \rightarrow \mathsf{pred}\vdash{} funcs : \langle T'_2, \dots, T'_m \rangle $} \RightLabel{(T-Slv-Native)} \UnaryInfC{$ \vdash{} \mathsf{predicate}~f^{id}~\mathsf{(} T^p_1 : x_1\mathsf{,}\dots\mathsf{,}T^p_n : x_n\mathsf{)}~\mathsf{;} funcs : \langle T'_1, \dots, T'_m \rangle $} \end{prooftree} \]
\[ \begin{prooftree} \AxiomC{$ \Gamma, f^{id}_1 : (T'_1 \equiv) \langle T^p_1, \dots, T^p_n \rangle \rightarrow \mathsf{pred} \vdash{} f_2 \mathsf{;} \dots \mathsf{;} f_m : \langle T'_2, \dots, T'_m \rangle $} \noLine{} \UnaryInfC{$\Gamma, f^{id}_1 : T'_1, \dots, f^{id}_m : T'_m, x_1 : T^p_1, \dots, x_n : T^p_n \vdash{} E : \mathsf{par~bool}$} \RightLabel{(T-Pred)} \UnaryInfC{$ \Gamma \vdash{} \mathsf{function}~T~\mathsf{:}~f^{id}_1~\mathsf{(}~x_1: T^p_1, \dots, x_n: T^p_n \mathsf{)}~\mathsf{=}~E~\mathsf{;} f_2 \mathsf{;} \dots \mathsf{;} f_m : \langle T'_1, \dots, T'_m \rangle $} \end{prooftree} \]

Calls are defined in both the context of a constraint and on the right hand side of an assignment of a let-expression. In both cases the typing of call is described by the following rule.

\[ \begin{prooftree} \AxiomC{$ f^{id} : \langle T^p_1, \dots, T^p_n \rangle \rightarrow T^r \in \Gamma$} \AxiomC{$ \Gamma \vdash{} x_1 : T^p_1 ~~ \dots ~~ \Gamma \vdash{} x_n : T^p_n$} \RightLabel{(T-Call)} \BinaryInfC{$ \Gamma \vdash{} f^{id} ~\mathsf{(}~x_1 \mathsf{,} \dots \mathsf{,} x_n~\mathsf{)} : T^r $} \end{prooftree} \]

Let expressions and identifiers

Identifiers are typed simply using a lookup in the typing context. The typing of the let expression iteratively adds the types of each declaration item to the typing context. The program is well-typed when all expressions on the right-hand side of a declaration match their declared types, and any constraint items are of \( \mathsf{pred} \) type.

\[ \begin{prooftree} \AxiomC{$ x : T \in \Gamma $} \RightLabel{(T-Ident)} \UnaryInfC{$ \Gamma \vdash{} x : T$} \end{prooftree} \]
\[ \begin{prooftree} \AxiomC{$ \Gamma \vdash{} x : T$} \RightLabel{(T-Let-Base)} \UnaryInfC{$ \Gamma \vdash{} \mathsf{let}~\mathsf{\\{}~\mathsf{\\}}~\mathsf{in}~\mathit{x} : T$} \end{prooftree} \]
\[ \begin{prooftree} \AxiomC{$ \Gamma \vdash{} T : T'$} \AxiomC{$ \Gamma, x : T' \vdash{} \mathsf{let}~\mathsf{\\{}~items~\mathsf{\\}}~\mathsf{in}~y : T''$} \RightLabel{(T-Let-Decl1)} \BinaryInfC{$ \Gamma \vdash{} \mathsf{let}~\mathsf{\\{}~T~\mathsf{:}~x~\mathsf{;}~items~\mathsf{\\}}~\mathsf{in}~y : T''$} \end{prooftree} \]
\[ \begin{prooftree} \AxiomC{$ \Gamma \vdash{} T : T'$} \AxiomC{$ \Gamma \vdash{} E : T'$} \AxiomC{$ \Gamma, x : T' \vdash{} \mathsf{let}~\mathsf{\\{}~items~\mathsf{\\}}~\mathsf{in}~y : T''$} \RightLabel{(T-Let-Decl2)} \TrinaryInfC{$ \Gamma \vdash{} \mathsf{let}~\mathsf{\\{}~T~\mathsf{:}~x = E~\mathsf{;}~items~\mathsf{\\}}~\mathsf{in}~y : T''$} \end{prooftree} \]
\[ \begin{prooftree} \AxiomC{$ \Gamma \vdash{} E : \mathsf{pred}$} \AxiomC{$ \Gamma, x : T \vdash{} \mathsf{let}~\mathsf{\\{}~items~\mathsf{\\}}~\mathsf{in}~y : T'$} \RightLabel{(T-Let-Con)} \BinaryInfC{$ \Gamma \vdash{} \mathsf{let}~\mathsf{\\{}~\mathsf{constraint}~E~\mathsf{;}~items~\mathsf{\\}}~\mathsf{in}~y : T'$} \end{prooftree} \]

Comprehensions and Generators

As shown in the following rules, the \( \mathit{genExpr} \) rules will must have either type \( \mathsf{set~of~int} \) or \( \mathsf{array1d~of}~T \). The \( \text{T_Comp} \) rule, to type array comprehensions, will use the \( elem \) function which maps the former type to \( \mathsf{int} \) and the latter to \( T \).

\[ \begin{prooftree} \AxiomC{$ \Gamma, \vdash{} E : T$} \RightLabel{(T-Comp-Expr)} \UnaryInfC{$ \Gamma \vdash{} \mathsf{[} E~\mathsf{|}~\mathsf{]} : \mathsf{array1d~of~} T $} \end{prooftree} \]
\[ \begin{prooftree} \AxiomC{$ \Gamma \vdash{} I : T$} \AxiomC{$ T \in \{ \mathsf{set~of~int}, \mathsf{array1d~of}~V \}$} \AxiomC{$ \Gamma, x : T \vdash{} \mathsf{[} E~\mathsf{|}~gens~\mathsf{]} : T' $} \RightLabel{(T-Comp-In)} \TrinaryInfC{$ \Gamma \vdash{} \mathsf{[} E~\mathsf{|}~x~\mathsf{in}~I, gens~\mathsf{]} : T' $} \end{prooftree} \]
\[ \begin{prooftree} \AxiomC{$ \Gamma \vdash{} B : \mathsf{par~bool}$} \AxiomC{$ \Gamma \vdash{} \mathsf{[} E~\mathsf{|}~x~\mathsf{in}~I, gens~\mathsf{]} : T $} \RightLabel{(T-Comp-Where)} \BinaryInfC{$ \Gamma \vdash{} \mathsf{[} E~\mathsf{|}~x~\mathsf{in}~I~\mathsf{where}~B, gens~\mathsf{]} : T $} \end{prooftree} \]
\[ \begin{prooftree} \AxiomC{$ \Gamma \vdash{} E_2 : T$} \AxiomC{$ \Gamma, x : T \vdash{} \mathsf{[} E_1~\mathsf{|}~gens~\mathsf{]} : T' $} \RightLabel{(T-Comp-Asg)} \BinaryInfC{$ \Gamma \vdash{} \mathsf{[} E_1~\mathsf{|}~x~\mathsf{=}~E_2, gens~\mathsf{]} : T' $} \end{prooftree} \]
\[ \begin{prooftree} \AxiomC{$ \Gamma\vdash{} \mathsf{[} I_i~\mathsf{|}~gens~\mathsf{]} : \mathsf{array1d~of~int}, \forall{} 1 \leq{} i \leq{} X$} \AxiomC{$ \Gamma\vdash{} \mathsf{[} E~\mathsf{|}~gens~\mathsf{]} : \mathsf{array1d~of}~T $} \RightLabel{(T-Comp-Ind)} \BinaryInfC{$ \Gamma \vdash{} \mathsf{[(}I_1, \dots, I_X \mathsf{):} E~\mathsf{|}gens~\mathsf{]} : \mathsf{array}X\mathsf{d~of}~T $} \end{prooftree} \]

Arrays, Sets, and Tuples

MicroZinc has three different container types. Arrays can contain multiple, possibly duplicate, elements of the same type, each associated with a unique index with which the element can be retrieved.

\[ \begin{prooftree} \AxiomC{$ \Gamma \vdash{} r_i : \mathsf{par~set~of~int}, \forall{} 1 \leq{} i \leq{} X$} \AxiomC{$ \Gamma \vdash{} x_i : T, \forall{} 1 \leq{} i \leq{} n$} \RightLabel{(T-Arr)} \BinaryInfC{$ \Gamma \vdash{} \mathsf{array}X\mathsf{d(}~r_1 \mathsf{,} \dots \mathsf{,} r_X \mathsf{,} \mathsf{[} x_1 \mathsf{,} \dots \mathsf{,} x_n \mathsf{])} : \mathsf{array}X\mathsf{d~of}~T $} \end{prooftree} \]
\[ \begin{prooftree} \AxiomC{$ \Gamma \vdash{} v_i : \mathsf{par}~\mathsf{int}, \forall{} 1 \leq{} i \leq{} X$} \AxiomC{$ \Gamma \vdash{} x : \mathsf{array}X\mathsf{d~of}~T$} \RightLabel{(T-Ind)} \BinaryInfC{$ \Gamma \vdash{} x \mathsf{[} v_1 \mathsf{,} \dots \mathsf{,} v_X \mathsf{]} : T $} \end{prooftree} \]

Sets contain a certain number of unique elements of the same type. Ranges of elements are also typed as sets.

\[ \begin{prooftree} \AxiomC{$ \Gamma \vdash{} x_1 : T, \forall{} 1 \leq{} i \leq{} n$} \AxiomC{$ T \in {\mathsf{par~int}, \mathsf{par~float}}$} \RightLabel{(T-Set)} \BinaryInfC{$ \Gamma \vdash{} \mathsf{\{} x_1 \mathsf{,} \dots \mathsf{,} x_n \mathsf{\}} : \mathsf{par~set~of}~T $} \end{prooftree} \]
\[ \begin{prooftree} \AxiomC{$ \Gamma \vdash{} x_1 : T $} \AxiomC{$ \Gamma \vdash{} x_2 : T $} \AxiomC{$ T \in {\mathsf{par~int}, \mathsf{par~float}}$} \RightLabel{(T-Range)} \TrinaryInfC{$ \Gamma \vdash{} x_1 \mathsf{..} x_2 : \mathsf{par~set~of}~T $} \end{prooftree} \]

Finally, tuples are collections of elements with possibly different types. The number of elements in a tuple is known during type checking

\[ \begin{prooftree} \AxiomC{$ \Gamma \vdash{} x_i : T_i, \forall{} 1 \leq{} i \leq{} n$} \RightLabel{(T-Tup)} \UnaryInfC{$ \Gamma \vdash{} \mathsf{(} x_1\mathsf{,} \dots\mathsf{,} x_n \mathsf{)} : \mathsf{tuple(} T_1 \mathsf{,} \dots \mathsf{,} T_n \mathsf{)}$} \end{prooftree} \]
\[ \begin{prooftree} \AxiomC{$ \Gamma \vdash{} x : \mathsf{tuple(} T_1 \mathsf{,} \dots \mathsf{,} T_i \mathsf{,} \dots \mathsf{,} T_n \mathsf{)}$} \AxiomC{$ i \in 1 \mathsf{..} n $} \RightLabel{(T-Acc)} \BinaryInfC{$ \Gamma \vdash{} x \mathsf{.} i : T_i $} \end{prooftree} \]

If-then-else Expressions

\[ \begin{prooftree} \AxiomC{$ \Gamma \vdash{} x : \mathsf{par}~\mathsf{bool} $} \AxiomC{$ \Gamma \vdash{} E_1 : T$} \AxiomC{$ \Gamma \vdash{} E_2 : T$} \RightLabel{(T-If)} \TrinaryInfC{$ \Gamma \vdash{} \mathsf{if}~x~\mathsf{then}~E_1~\mathsf{else}~E_2~\mathsf{endif} : T $} \end{prooftree} \]
\[ \begin{prooftree} \AxiomC{$ \Gamma \vdash{} x_1 : \mathsf{par}~\mathsf{bool} $} \AxiomC{$ \Gamma \vdash{} E_1 : T$} \AxiomC{$ \Gamma \vdash{} \mathsf{if}~x_2~\mathsf{then}~E_2 \dots \mathsf{else}~E_n~\mathsf{endif} : T$} \RightLabel{(T-ElseIf)} \TrinaryInfC{$ \Gamma \vdash{} \mathsf{if}~x_1~\mathsf{then}~E_1~\mathsf{elseif}~x_2~\mathsf{then}~E_2 \dots \mathsf{else}~E_n~\mathsf{endif} : T $} \end{prooftree} \]


The remaining parts of the MicroZinc laguage are simple literals that have an intrinsic type.

\[ \begin{prooftree} \AxiomC{} \RightLabel{(T-Root)} \UnaryInfC{$\vdash{} \mathsf{root} : \mathsf{pred}$} \end{prooftree} \begin{prooftree} \AxiomC{} \RightLabel{(T-True)} \UnaryInfC{$\vdash{} \mathsf{true} : \mathsf{par}~\mathsf{bool}$} \end{prooftree} \begin{prooftree} \AxiomC{} \RightLabel{(T-False)} \UnaryInfC{$\vdash{} \mathsf{false} : \mathsf{par}~\mathsf{bool}$} \end{prooftree} \]
\[ \begin{prooftree} \AxiomC{} \RightLabel{(T-int)} \UnaryInfC{$\vdash{} /\texttt{[0-9]+}/ : \mathsf{par}~\mathsf{int}$} \end{prooftree} \begin{prooftree} \AxiomC{} \RightLabel{(T-Str)} \UnaryInfC{$\vdash{} /\texttt{"[\^\"]*"}/ : \mathsf{string}$} \end{prooftree} \]
\[ \begin{prooftree} \AxiomC{} \RightLabel{(T-float)} \UnaryInfC{$\vdash{} /\texttt{0[xX]\\([0-9a-fA-F]*\\.[0-9a-fA-F]+\\)|\\([0-9a-fA-F]+\\.?\\)\\([pP][+-]?[0-9]+\\)?}/ : \mathsf{par}~\mathsf{float}$} \end{prooftree} \]

Type Instances

\[ \begin{prooftree} \AxiomC{$ \Gamma \vdash{} I_i : \mathsf{par}~\mathsf{set}~\mathsf{of}~\mathsf{int}, \forall{} 1 \leq{} i \leq{} X$} \AxiomC{$ \Gamma \vdash{} T : T'$} \RightLabel{(T-Type-Arr)} \BinaryInfC{$ \Gamma \vdash{} \mathsf{array}~\mathsf{[}I_1 \mathsf{,} \dots, I_X\mathsf{]}~\mathsf{of}~\mathit{T} : \mathsf{array}X\mathsf{d~of}~T' $} \end{prooftree} \]
\[ \begin{prooftree} \AxiomC{$ \Gamma \vdash{} T_1 : T'_1 ~~ \dots ~~ \Gamma \vdash{} T_n : T'_n$} \RightLabel{(T-Type-Tup)} \UnaryInfC{$ \Gamma \vdash{} \mathsf{tuple}\mathsf{(}\mathit{T_1}\mathsf{,} \dots, T_n\mathsf{)} : \mathsf{tuple(}T'_1, \dots, T'_n\mathsf{)} $} \end{prooftree} \]
\[ \begin{prooftree} \AxiomC{$ \Gamma \vdash{} S : \mathsf{par}~\mathsf{set}~\mathsf{of}~\mathsf{int}$} \RightLabel{(T-Int-Dom)} \UnaryInfC{$ \Gamma \vdash{} \mathsf{var}~S : \mathsf{var}~\mathsf{int} $} \end{prooftree} \begin{prooftree} \AxiomC{$ \Gamma \vdash{} S : \mathsf{par}~\mathsf{set}~\mathsf{of}~\mathsf{float}$} \RightLabel{(T-Flt-Dom)} \UnaryInfC{$ \Gamma \vdash{} \mathsf{var}~S : \mathsf{var}~\mathsf{float} $} \end{prooftree} \]
\[ \begin{prooftree} \AxiomC{$ \Gamma \vdash{} S : \mathsf{par}~\mathsf{set}~\mathsf{of}~\mathsf{int}$} \RightLabel{(T-Set-Dom)} \UnaryInfC{$ \Gamma \vdash{} \mathsf{var}~\mathsf{set}~\mathsf{of}~S : \mathsf{var}~\mathsf{set}~\mathsf{of}~\mathsf{int} $} \end{prooftree} \]

The remaining variants (\( \mathit{primType} \)) are trivial, and their expression directly describes their type.